Meet us at the Cornerstone Convergence EMEA 2019

We are the creators behind the ACMS – a system dedicated to making the lives easier for administrators and users of systems like Cornerstone.

Let’s do something great!

ACMS – dedicated to making your life easier

ACMS is a cloud service provided by Awave that enables easy content creation and editing within Cornerstone.

It’s an add-on to the Cornerstone platform focused on improving its usability and flexibility. ACMS makes it possible to add new functionality in a seamless and straightforward way inside Cornerstone. With ACMS you can add almost any functionality you wish to Cornerstone, totally integrated with APIs and secured with Single-Sign-On.

Unleash the potential of Cornerstone’s APIs

Not only does the ACMS simplify the editing process, it creates the possibility of adding custom functionality to Cornerstone. Create highly customisable welcome pages, dashboards or intricate systems for handling internal processes, making the most out of your data.

Attractive, mobile responsive custom pages

Create custom pages that are both attractive and very easy to maintain. You can add any custom functionality you want such as a newsfeed, an FAQ section or why not a highly personalised dashboard. It’s easier than ever before!

Display custom content on any page in Cornerstone

The ACMS unlocks the possibility to post custom content to any page within Cornerstone. Add a help function to complex pages or display custom components on a page of your choosing.

Create custom functionality

With the ACMS you can create intricate structures for handling and processing your Cornerstone data. Using Cornerstone’s APIs, data can be retrieved, processed and then written back into Cornerstone. This gives you the option of creating custom functions such as self-service portals and complex approval chains.

en laptop och en data

Basic features

  • Hierarchical content administration
  • Search and filter content
  • Project separation in workspaces
  • Language support
  • Media management of files and images
  • Set up with Cornerstone’s own API-functionality
  • A seamless experience with SSO (Single-Sign-On)
  • Role based access permissions

How does it work?

Learn more about how a typical ACMS implementation is done – from ideation to technical implementation.

Exploration and planning

We start each implementation with an analysis of the needs and wishes of the client. In this phase we brainstorm and explore what features have the most added value to the clients business as well as prioritise in which order they should be implemented.

UX-design and architecture

When a decision has been made on what features to implement we can start the design phase. During this phase our experienced UX-designers create visual prototypes and mobile responsive design that specify how the system should look like and behave. Simultaneously our backend developers are mapping the systems architecture creating a roadmap for the technical implementation.

Technical implementation

The ACMS system is built on top of the industry leading cloud provider Amazon Web Services with the new and powerful ASP.NET Core framework from Microsoft and the ReactJS framework from Facebook. This combination of platforms and frameworks enable us to create a modern, flexible and cost-effective system with built in scalability and high reliability.

This sturdy solution allows our team of developers to easily integrate with Cornerstone’s APIs and implement the previously specified architecture. Meanwhile our frontend developers implement the design and make it all look super sleek.

en man sitter vid en laptop och är inne på awaves hemsida

The interface is intuitive and can easily be adapted to specific branding and functionality needs.

The administration interface

No technical skills are needed with the modern and user-friendly administration interface.

You can even customise it to better mimic the workflow used in your organisation. Access permissions can be controlled by already defined groups in Cornerstone or manually set in ACMS.

Through this interface you can handle pages, functionality and other custom solutions in an easy way. It’s structured in a user-friendly tree view – providing a great overview and making it easy to find what you’re looking for. Adding or editing content is made simple and time effective with the intuitive WYSIWYG* text editor, reusable content blocks and media libraries. When you’re done editing, preview your changes and hit publish. * What You See Is What You Get

At Awave we’ve learned to do things right, and to do them really well.

Awave is an agency with offices in Stockholm, Riga and Copenhagen. Our team consists of 40 experienced developers, designers, strategists and project managers.

Awave is an award winning agency with a long history of creative problem solving and developing bespoke systems for a wide range of clients. We have been working with Cornerstone since 2017 and have since learned the ins and outs of the platform. The challenges we faced along the way gave us the inspiration to create the ACMS. A system that simplifies life both for us and our clients, allowing us to create even better solutions!

Awave is a full service agency with offices in Stockholm, Copenhagen and Riga

Got questions about how we can help you? Give us a call at +468-55 80 38 50 or fill out the form and we’ll get back to you shortly.